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Cable attenuation problems?

(Read 4827 times)

Posts: 1
Aug 6th, 2018 at 2:28pm  
Hi, Wonder if anyone can help. About 8 weeks ago we installed a new satellite kit and the first few days it worked great.
Since then we have had endless problems with the internet being really slow. Everything seems at the correct levels except the cable attenuation. It jumps from around 4.db up to 15.db constantly. I presume it should stay at roughly one level? I have seen that it is advised to have the coaxial just right and I have changed that on the modem end carefully 3 times now -makes no difference Embarrassed  The cable is new, it came with the kit and the coaxial came fitted for the Tria end, which looks ok as well.
Really not sure what to do now. Any advice would be great thanks as I seem to spend more time trying to sort this out than anything!!
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1209
Reply #1 - Aug 6th, 2018 at 7:41pm  
Observe the screen display of cable ohms resistance and dB attenuation while waggling the coax cable connectors in an attempt to identify where is the poor connection. I would expect both ohms resistance and dB attenuation to jump about together if there is a bad connection.

The fault could be at either end or at both ends!!

The F type centre pin should be about 1.5 mm proud of the rim. The outer foil sheath and braid wires must make good contact also. Beware that the centre pin must go in smoothly and not 'push back' as the outer is screwed in.

If moisture has got into the outdoor end then 8 weeks is plenty of time for severe corrosion to have set in. The combination of DC power current and moisture can make the pin burn away and the foil sheath to turn to dust.

Further thought. Coax cable must be bent gradually. If bent at a very sharp angle the foil sheath inside can crack across. Since the radio signal goes via the foil sheath and the DC current via the braid wires you might see dB attenuation variations only.
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