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21 Linkstar iwant own network between them

(Read 3621 times)
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Nov 30th, 2007 at 7:34pm  
I have 21 linkstar terminal in iraq i want to start my own network , i looking for VPN for all terminal with dedicated band ,
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1209
Reply #1 - Dec 3rd, 2007 at 11:29am  
Linkstar terminals are for internet access service using small customer VSATs via a large teleport such as at Skylogic, Italy.   To activate the sites contact a reseller listed for  satellite internet access in the middle east.   If you need to transfer data between sites check that it is allowed and technically feasible.  If you want VoIP, ask.  VoIP calls between sites would suffer a double hop delay.  Special configuration at the hub may be necessary, so verify feasibility with the service provider.  The IP addressing would form part of the Skylogic private IP address space so you would not have a VPN.

If you really want to establish your own network, consider becoming an iDirect VNO, where you buy 1/5th of an 5-IF Hub at a teleport.  All sites will need iDirect modems.

If you want mesh voice call networking with single hop calls between sites, this can be done, using larger dishes and new modems, for example Vipersat, but, as with iDirect VNO, considerable investment is needed in learning network management and configuration plus the all new equipment, software licence and hub costs.

With either iDirect or Vipersat you could have your own private IP address range and so would have a private network (PN) and not need any Virtual encapsulation (VPN).

Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2007 at 5:44pm by Admin1 »  
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Reply #2 - Dec 4th, 2007 at 11:50am  
Thanks Eric for clarifcation.
Since you have the Linlstar modems in place we can provide your closed user group on Linkstar hub (Similiar to iDirect VNO). So you will have your own private network without investment on hub.
Although this network is not suitable for voice (due to double hop as Eric described), it is good for data and/or CCTV.

For more information please send an email to
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