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ANDREW Elliptiguide 2132 transitions for sale

(Read 1225 times)
YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Aug 17th, 2018 at 7:34pm  
1st item: I have one complete NEW kit for Andrew ellipti-guide to rectangular waveguide transition. TYPE 2132DKT in box. Two castings in sealed bubble.  Air port.

plus CONN HARDWARE KIT 45594-1132A Large dia O ring, short fat O ring,  grease.  3 large screws and 2 small screws  and allen hex key.

plus Hardware kit 202853 8 screws, washers, nuts, two rectangular O rings, allen hex key.


Waveguide aperture 0.75 x 0.375 inches.
Flange WR75-CPRG with 8 screw holes.


2nd Item.   Two main parts. Used.  Andrew elliptiguide to waveguide transition to rectangular waveguide.   Two castings, one with with small fat red O ring in situ.
Air port. The 3 tuning screws set for minimum reflection at 14.25 GHz.

Probably type 2132DCT. Sold as seen below.

The 3 main screws missing. These are slightly larger diameter than regular screws. I have included 3 screws with correct thread but they are shorter than ideal and have cross head!

Waveguide flange WR75 with 4 screw holes.
Waveguide aperture 0.75 x 0.375 inches.


If wanted, please email me
All (i.e. both) to be sold in one lot.

Included: Instructional sheet, mainly about carefully shaping the copper end of the elliptical waveguide.

You can find similar items on ebay if you search for ANDREW COMMSCOPE TYPE 2132.
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« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2018 at 4:58pm by Admin1 »  
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